My Halfacre

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Day 15 - Isaiah’s Bean Dip

Talking about Patrick grabbing faces reminded me of this picture of him with my glasses. So cute! But the best part about this picture is the hand gesture.

First, in my family of origin, we would call this the bean dip picture. It's a long story and not nearly as funny in writing. It needs the hand gestures. Just know that based on a funny story, holding your hand like this and moving it up and down meant "bean dip."

Second, when Phil was serving a church in Texas, we were blessed to twice hear Rev. Dr. Susan Smith preach. The second time, she gave an amazing sermon including a personal story and referenced a passage in Isiah, talking about the need to stay strong. Making this hand gesture, she repeated the plain language message: If you can just hang on.

Flash forward roughly a decade, and I had that scripture verse engraved on the back of the iPad I bought to entertain myself/keep myself sane while Mira was in the hospital for her open-heart surgery and recovery. For me to have capture an image of Patrick making this hand gesture while in the hospital for over three months was a good reminder for me to hang in there. And, ever since he died, it's been helpful to push me out of my hole and keep moving forward because the payoff is coming. If I can just hang on.