My Halfacre

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Day 17 - Brotherly Love

After we brought Patrick home on palliative care, our friend Rachael, a photographer, came and spent a day with us, photographing everything as we went about normal everyday things as well as special time with family, an early birthday party for Patrick, and a community vigil held on our lawn.

She took the most amazing pictures, and we have many of them up around the house. But one picture sort of became "the" picture and we gave copies to everyone, including doctors and nurses who had cared for him. It even became the cover of my book.

And we call it the picture that changed medicine because it changed how doctors saw palliative care and helped them see its value and benefits and collaborate with that department more often.

It also shows the closeness of Mira and Patrick and how much they loved each other. He seems to be saying, "Don't worry. I got you." It's such a special and poignant picture, it still catches my breath when I really stop to look at it. Just perfection.

Photo Credit: Rachael Richard