My Halfacre

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Day 11 - Special People, Pt. 4

Next up is Mandi. (If you're keeping track, you'll discover all but two of Patrick's caregivers have M names. Because Ms are awesome. Anyway). Mandi is a nurse and she generously gave of her time to watch Patrick multiple days every week. When he was in the hospital, she cane out and watched him to give me respite time, even staying in Detroit overnight many weekends.

She loved Patrick like he was her own, talked with the nurses, advocated for him, and shared all the information with me. She held dance parties with him, snuggled him, played with him, and comforted him. When her son was born, I gave her one of Patrick's outfits for him to wear because they were brothers of a kind. Mandi was generous, kind, giving, loving, and amazing. Both Patrick and we were lucky to have her in our lives. You could see by his grins and eye twinkles that he loved her so much. He was a very lucky boy.