My Halfacre

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7/2 Lil' PD Update

Although we are still waiting, Patrick has finally provided us some clues about what is going on. This morning, they switched him back to continuous feeds to try to get him more comfortable. They ordered an echo as well, to check his heart function. We had difficulty getting him restful enough for the echo, but he finally fell asleep. Unfortunately, the echo showed decreased heart function. They put him back on .5 of milrinone (the cardiac med). His tachycardia reduced fairly quickly, dropping into the 150s from the 170s. Although he is still making retching faces and noises, he hasn't actually spit up anything for several hours as well. We will probably talk with the surgeon tomorrow about what this means, but my guess is it means I was right, and stents are in the near future. Honestly, this is one case where I wouldn't have minded being wrong. In an effort to cheer up the nature of this post, here is cuteness from earlier this week: