My Halfacre

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7/10 Update

Yesterday and today, we have experienced what I am now calling Dr. Happy and Mr. Grumpypants. When doctors come by, Patrick smiles and puts on his best behavior (Dr. Happy); then, he will go to a full-on, five-star frump and flail fest in .02 seconds (Mr. Grumpypants). Some of it is fighting the tireds. Some of it is probably withdrawal from all of the meds. Some of it is clearly pain, although we're not sure of the cause. Still, he is having more moments where he acts like his old self, so that is always good.

Today, they lowered his milrinone to .375 and his heart rate has stayed really very good. It went into the 140s when he got super fussy, but it was mostly in the 120s/130s. His is also completely off oxygen, which is awesome! No more cannula!! And, he managed to get sats that would reach 99 on occasion, although he's mostly low to mid 90s, which is still great. Feeds went up to 38ml/hr today, but they opted not to make an other changes in that regard. Still no spitting up, gagging, or retching, which to me confirms that he doesn't have reflux and the vomiting is cardiac-related, but we'll see if it holds. It was great to have longer periods of time where my baby was "back." I am hopeful that this means his pressures are going to be lower next time they check. Here's to more good days.

Rest, Recover, Grow!!