My Halfacre

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The Beginning

Last night, at 8:30 p.m., Patrick passed. I was holding him, Phil was holding us both, and we were singing him his favorite songs. We were blessed to be surrounded by friends and family who held us and cried with us and helped us keep breathing.

He entered the world on his aunt's birthday and left it on the shared birthday of his parents' maternal grandmothers. These dates help remind me what an integral part of our whole extended family he was.

It's still a little surreal. Mira doesn't really understand everything. We told her his body would stay here, but his spirit would go to heaven. This morning she wanted to know if his heart was staying here. We told her no. Now she wants to know what part of her brother is staying here. We told her the memories are what stay with us. She is diligently decorating the memory box the hospital gave her to keep memories of Patrick in.  I told her when she thinks about her brother, or wants to draw him a picture, she can put it in the box.

A friend of mine sent me a message reminding me to keep writing because part of Patrick's story is just beginning. And she's exactly right.  In fact, as I thought about it, I realized that, in many ways, this blog is my memory box. So, as we struggle to make sense of our new world and figure out a new normal, I plan to continue to write. First up is what I hope will be the beginning of a lifelong series--Lessons from Patrick--things I have learned because of his presence in my life. Whether you follow along, or go your own way, I want to thank you for the time you spent with us on this journey. You have helped us shoulder a terrible burden and opened your hearts to us.  I am eternally grateful.

Patrick Daniel Hobson

October 29, 2013 - September 27, 2014