My Halfacre

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What is Human Design?

Human Design is a body of knowledge that blends the I Ching, Western Astrology, the Kabbalah, the Hindu chakra system, and quantum physics to create a system of understanding the world and ourselves. It’s designed to help us become more of ourselves. To learn how we best exist and interact with the world. How we can best use our energy and resources for the benefit of ourselves, our communities, and the world. It’s about discovering and reconnecting with your own inner authority and following it when it’s time to make choices and changes.

In 1987, Ra Uru Hu was in Ibiza, Spain when he experienced a mystical 8-day experience with “The Voice,” during which he received Human Design as a huge energetic/knowledge download. Ra published his first book, The Human Design System, in 1992. Often referred to as Traditional Human Design, Ra’s original work was designed to address the “conditioned” person or “not-self”—the person who has become detached from their own authority and way of being. Although Ra died in 2011, many of his students continue to share, expand, and transform his initial work. One such student is Dr. Karen Curry Parker, founder of Quantum Human Design™, which was designed to bring Human Design to people who may have already begun their journey of self-knowledge and understanding.

I discovered Quantum Human Design™ first and am certified as a Level 3 practitioner, so my writings and explanations are necessarily shaped by that. However, both traditional Human Design and Quantum Human Design are designed to be engaged with as an ongoing experiment. The goal is to decondition yourself, but we are being conditioned every day, so there is no point at which you become “fully” deconditioned. It is a forever process. But once you understand your own personal authority and reconnect to it, as well as understand your own energetic profile, it just becomes a process of “exercising the muscles” through using what you’ve learned to move yourself forward into becoming more of yourself.

In the following blog posts, I will explain the basics as I understand them. I have never come across anything that seemed more accurate in terms of understanding the person I was and am and allowed me to become more comfortable with who that is and make better choices. I know the language seems foreign and the BodyGraph image can feel overwhelming, but you will learn and understand at the perfect time and the speed for you. Trust that you found this information at the time you were ready for it. I hope what you find makes you curious to learn more and try your own experiment.

If you want your own free chart to start your Human Design journey, you can use:


Lastly, if you don’t get anything else from this post, please let this be your one takeaway:

You are your own best source of information about you. If your internal authority says Human Design isn’t for you, FOLLOW YOUR AUTHORITY.

My reason for exposing people to and educating them about Human Design is to help them tap into a body of knowledge that can help them BE the best version of themselves they can, making decisions that are consistent with their values and who they came here to be. It’s not about selling a system or being right. I want you to DO YOU in the best, most authentic way possible. If Human Design can help you do that, awesome. If not, awesome. As long as you are learning and living into your best self, that’s my only focus.