Dogs, Meds, & Depression

These last few weeks have been very difficult for me. I have been emotionally overwhelmed, physically exhausted, and unable to cope. Unfortunately, in conjunction with all of this, I missed 4 to 5 doses of my meds over two weeks. And because I take all my meds at once, that meant I missed all 8 of the meds roughly one-third of the time. Coping is hard enough. Coping without meds is simply impossible.

When I saw my counselor this week, she made a simple suggestion. Get a pill box and load it once a week. Then, each morning I only have to take the pills; not open 8 bottles and all that rigamarole. I've only had it two days and it's already made a huge difference! I have saved so much time and hassle. I can't believe how simple that change was. And why did I never think of it?! Crazy! Just another reminder that outside eyes help, and that when I'm in the hole, I'm not doing my best thinking.

The other thing I discovered these past few weeks are the benefits of having a dog. See, I've never been a dog person. I don't not like them; I just never wanted one. My family didn't own a dog until I was in high school and he was never my responsibility. Ever since college, I've only had cats. Cats are nice and independent. Dogs need too much work. Walks, picking up poop, etc. They lick your face and pee inside and jump and dig and eat shoes. Who needs that?! Too much trouble.

Well, about a month ago, we got a dog (long story). He's been lovely, but he's a crazy Houdini and can't be allowed out in the yard free from a leash. So, I'm the one taking him out multiple times a day. And I don't want to. I want to sit in my chair and play games, zone out, or nap. I don't want to do anything. But the puppers requires it. So, begrudgingly, out I go.

And then I stand in the sunshine and breathe the fresh air, and I feel better. I realize how much I needed to get out, and I'm grateful that my dog made me go. I still get frustrated. Having a dog is like living with a toddler who never grows up. But he is doing me some good. Score one for those who say dogs help with depression.🐾❣️

Here's a pic of my pupper out for a walk in his new coat.


Day 28 - My Elf


Day 27 - Feet