Day 18 - Kermit

The summer of 2014, Patrick was in the hospital three-and-a-half months. During that time, hospital staff wrote me a prescription to leave the hospital and partake in self-care. One of the things I did was attend a conference in Chicago by an author I admire. I spent one evening at the nearby mall buying Halloween costumes for my kiddos. For Patrick, I chose Kermit. He already had a Kermit doll and a frog blanket, and Kermit sings and dances, so it just made sense.

When we brought him home on palliative care, it was clear he wasn't going to make it to Halloween, so he and Mira put on their costumes and we took pictures. This one became one of my favorites. Here is my beautiful Kermit, completely at peace, with his Kermit.


Day 19 - Happy


Day 17 - Brotherly Love