Heart Month Day 5: Hospital

We were blessed in Michigan that there are three great hospitals that all treat CHDs. Our pediatric cardiologist said he would trust the surgeons at any of them with his kids. We ended up at Children’s Hospital of Michigan in Detroit. Both kiddos had the same surgeon and we could not be more pleased with the care both they and we received from the doctors, nurses, and staff. The hospital is full of amazing art and there’s even great stuff outside. We were there over two different Thanksgivings, so I figured I should share the Christmas trees from those stays as well.

These days, Mira is seen at Columbia in NYC. She loves taking a bite out of the Big Apple.

Hospitals can be scary places, especially when your kids are there. Don’t just go by a hospital’s ranking on some list. Look at convenience and how well the people there take care of you and your child.


Heart Month Day 6: Medications


Heart Month Day 4: Scars