Day 12 - Special People, Pt. 5

As Mira's Godmother, Kate was always a big part of our goings on, but with Patrick, she went above and beyond. She was at his birth, with us in the hospital for both of his open-heart surgeries, rode with me to Detroit once or twice in the middle of the night, visited as often as she could when home or away, helped reassure us about many a question or issue, stayed with him overnight at least once after he came home on palliative care, knitted him clothes, embroidered him a Stormagedden bib, made us a quilt from his clothes, and sat vigil with us at the end. We were truly beneficiaries of her abundant giving. She loved her Pac-Man, and he loved his Katy.


Day 13 - Special People, Pt. 6


Day 11 - Special People, Pt. 4