7/8 Lil’ PD Update

Today was a good day. The nurse clinician advised that the surgeon was pleased with the echo results. Patrick’s o2 was up to 7L/50% because they had tried to wean him overnight and his sats went into the low-80s and didn't recover for over 3 hours after they increased it, so they left it alone today and do not plan to wean it at all tonight. They are taking things slowly with him, using the oxygen and cardiac meds to help give his heart a rest. The right ventricle is still dilated and the pressures still need to go down, but they are pleased with his color, the lack of diaphoresis, and his minor moments of playfulness. He also gained weight and is, at least for the moment, finally above the weight at which he went into the hospital!

The only plans for today were reaching goal feeds (30ml/hr; 24cal) and switching from IV to oral lasix. His sats were good--mid-90s mostly, and his heart rate actually went down and ran in the 100s to 120s most of the day. He finally got in some good sleep today, which was wonderful. He woke up quite fussy, but we quickly determined that was from the tooth that has begun to pop through. They gave him some Tylenol, but we can't give him regular orajel because there is a risk of cyanosis--not a good idea for a cardiac patient. I found an alternative orajel that does not have benzocaine in it and plan to ask tomorrow if he can have that. Personally, I think babies in the hospital should get a pass on teething pain, just like pregnant women should get a pass on being sick. Sadly, I am not the one in charge of that sort of thing. Still, sometimes it's nice to see him experience "normal" baby milestones. It helps give me hope.

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7/9 Update


7/7 Lil’ PD Update