My New Theme Song

Lying awake at 2:00 a.m., feeling equal parts exhaustion, pain, and insomnia, I find my thoughts once again turn to silly songs and parodies to make light of my situation.
So here, without further adieu, is my latest creation:

(Sung to the tune of "WKRP in Cincinnati")

Baby, if you ever wondered
Wondered, whatever became of me
I'm lying on a bed down in the guest room
Recovering from a hysterectomy

Got kind of tired of pain and medications
In the store, up and down the aisle
Babies were the best thing my womb gave to me
The rest I will forget after a while

I'm recovering now from a hys-ter-rec-to-my.

(Goodnight everybody!)

Coming Full Circle--How My Hysterectomy and Complete Infertility Made Me Pregnant Again


Holding the Line, Part II