Returning to Writing
I’ve been quiet for quite some time now, and while there are lots of reasons for it (which may or may not come to light in future posts), the long and short of it is that I’ve realized that I need to be writing again. It’s how I process things. Events. Feelings. How I figure myself out. How I figure out what’s next. That was the whole point of having a blog. So I could talk things through with myself. And by posting these things, you could come along with me on the journey if you wanted. Because I learned that sometimes something I had to say would resonate or help you too. All of which is to say: Welcome back!
Example BodyGraph
Now, back in December, I posted about my move toward embracing more esoteric, spiritual, energy-based teaching and practices. Along the way, I have learned about something called Human Design. Without getting too deep into it, Human Design is all about helping you to be more of who you are and who you came here to be. It’s about learning to get back in touch with your internal authority and then act consistently with that authority.
To figure out what kind of internal authority you have and how you best make decisions, create, use, and replenish your energy, Human Design uses your birth information (date, time, location) to create a chart called a BodyGraph which maps out where the planets were at the time of your birth and approximately 88 days before. That chart provides multiple layers of information designed to help you know yourself and get back in touch with the places where the world told and conditioned you not to be yourself. It also provides information about your life purpose (hint, it’s not your job).
One of the things I love most about Human Design is that it describes the process of learning about yourself and your design as an experiment. There are no correct answers; only answers that are correct for you. You learn something, run it past your internal authority, try it out, and see if it resonates or works for you. Keep what works and throw the rest away.
Why am I telling you so much about Human Design? A few reasons. First, it has become a huge part of my process for figuring out who I am and what I’m here to do. So as I walk (and write) through this process, I’ll be talking about it a lot and using some of the jargon. My goal is to provide small explanations within the posts themselves that will allow you to understand my posts without having to do even a surface-level dive. However, in the event you find yourself wanting to learn more, I am going to create two additional spaces on my site. The first will be a reference page, where I link to all types of resources for learning more about Human Design or other related modalities for self-discovery. The second is that I am going to create my own Human Design explainer posts. During my own self-improvement process, I have become Level 3 Certified in Quantum Human Design™. I have not yet begun a practice of doing paid readings for others, although I am contemplating doing so. But in the meantime, I do want to share more about it. And creating my own posts is a win/win: you won’t have to go wandering all over the internet for information (but you can if you want to!), and I can include and highlight the things most important to me.
So, whether you’ve stuck with me from the beginning, just come back, or are joining me for the first time, I want to thank you for being here. I hope you find something fun, helpful, hopeful, and meaningful in something I’ve written.
*Back in the 1990s, I was obsessed with Winnie The Pooh, especially Tigger (I still love it; just not quite to the same degree). I used Tigger’s sign-off, TTFN (Ta Ta For Now), as my sign-off on handwritten letters and emails for many, many years. I was trying to think of something to use as a sign-off here other than just my initials and remembered when this was my thing. It felt like just the right amount of fun, so I’m going with it for now for now.